Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Officially Comfirmed

Square Enix has officially confirmed that the rumored Kane & Lynch 2 game is completely real. In fact, there are already two teaser trailer up for the game. In the first, which can be watch on the games official website over at kaneandlynch.com, shows two criminals running through a Chinese restaurant that are being pursued by a gunman and an attack dog caught on a surveillance camera.
"Gamers are always looking for something new and that is exactly what they are going to get with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days," said Niels Jorgensen, general manager of IO Interactive. "A special thanks to gamers worldwide for their feedback. They are certainly in for a shock as we, with immense pride, welcome back our two dear, violent and somewhat unfortunate friends."
Also seen on the game's website is three more videos are coming soon along with some screenshots. Visit kaneandlynch.com to check out the videos and to register for news, updates, and exclusive content.
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is expected to release on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 in 2010.