Why The Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V

The Phantom Pain was first seen at the VGA's this year and it hit us all by surprise. No one had heard of the title before. However, after it being announced along with its trailer, many questions and theories came up about it actually being Metal Gear Solid V related. Not long after, the trailer was analyzed by everyone, uncovering evidence to reveal that this is definitely Metal Gear Solid V being shown.

One of the most revealing things that prove The Phantom Pain to be MGS V is the spacing in the logo. If the silhouettes and spaces are filled, you can clearly see that the words "Metal Gear Solid V" fit perfectly. I've provided an image below of what I just described.
Also, the main protagonist in the trailer resembles Big Boss as seen in the previous Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes trailer. From his overall appearance, to smaller details such as his eye patch, both characters are very similar.

On to the company which is said to be developing this game in the trailer; Moby Dick Studio. The company had never even been heard of before the VGA's, the same as the title of the "game" they are promoting. But if you go to the studios website, you notice the company is founded by "CEO Joakim Mogren" which rearranged spells "koJima," the creator of the Metal Gear Solid series.

Although, there are many other highly convincing/proving evidence, I don't want to spoil all the fun for those who want to watch through the trailer and see for themselves. On the other hand, if you just want to jump to all the secrets, I suggest watching part 1 and part 2 of YongYea's YouTube videos analyzing the trailer. Trailer and screenshots provided below.