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Today emerges news that every trophy hunting, Home lover will enjoy so very very much. According to, Home currency has been confirmed today. What’s the big deal? Why do trophy hunters like this? The reason they like this is because earning trophies will earn you currency. Now, now, don’t be upset about those trophies you already have because you should receive money for those as well. Check after the break for kh3khalid’s quote.

A fresh batch of Home details have been divulged following a meet and greet with users in the closed beta and fellow Home bosses Lucas_Star, CyndoniaX and Tdog. According to users, the meeting was pre-arranged via message of the day and took place at Home’s Central Plaza between 8-10pm eastern time.
Among the details revealed include the following:

- Home Open Beta will begin either December 15th or the 30th.
- There will be a random weather system (producing rain, snow, etc)
- There will be a currency system
- Home Open Beta will be only be for users 18+

Further information was also revealed about the new money system, with the developers stating that PlayStation 3 users will earn money for unlocking Trophies, as well as receiving money for Trophies already acquired.

I will be giving you the full details when they surface.