LittleBigPlanet Online Servers Shut Down
Do you remember when I posted yesterday about the LittleBigPlanet servers being online but a little glitchy? Well, Media Molecule has shut down the LBP servers until they can fix the glitches. (No more beating up my PS Button everytime LBP freezes.) Here is what Media Molecule says, "the servers are down while we try to fix the glitching issues some players have experienced. They will be back online as soon as we have fixed the problem."
Update: The servers seem to back up and running again. I haven’t noticed the freezing glitch that I posted about yesterday either.
Update #2: After playing online again with LittleBigPlanet, I've started to see the problems come back slowly. Media Molecule will soon to be told or find out themselves and hopefully get these problems fixed. We just have to be patient.