GoBB October Giveaway Contest
Hello all. Welcome to yet another GoBB Blog giveaway contest. If you participated in the last contest, you won't have a chance to win this time around ... just kidding. Everyone has an equal chance to win in this one too.
Prizes for this contest include beta keys for the soon-to-be-hit Resistance 2 and some assorted items from J!nx. So what are the rules you ask? The rules are simple; Send an email to xross_fire@psgobb.com with your PSN ID included - that's the easy part, you must also post your PSN ID below with a short summary of what the scariest moment in a game was for you. This can be anything from wild dogs and psychos to when you had to change your pants playing Silent Hill.
This contest will end tonight at the time shown above (CST of course) and beta codes will be sent out shortly after. Those of you who win schwag from J!nx will be contacted via email to receive your prize. If you think you have the scariest story to tell and want in on some of that Resistance 2 action then hurry up and enter this contest.