Incoming Bad Company Update Brings Maps, Bug Fixes and Trophies

Remember BattleField: Bad Company? Of course you do. Some of you are probably still playing it. If you aren't, then you soon might be because the game is due to get a shot in the arm before too long. After running a contest through which players could decide on which map pack DICE should start working on first, a post has gone up on the official blog to let us know that there will be other content coming when the map pack drops.

There's no indication on when that'll be, or if it'll cost us anything, but the accompanying patch will be free, at least. With this patch DICE are looking to fix several bugs, such as server lag and VOIP issues. There will also be various gameplay tweaks. Not only that, but three weapons, previously only obtainable through pre-ordering, playing the demo or signing up to the newsletter, will be made available to everyone for free. Check out the full list of fixes and tweaks at the official blog.

Finally (saving the best til last) the patch will add trophy support to the game. PS3 gamers are being spoilt by all these free, content patches. Not that we're complaining. We hope to find out when this'll hit soon.
