Updated Home Beta Invitations Are Being Delivered

Remember: if you're already in the old beta, you must still get the download code to access the new, expanded beta. An edited version of the invitation e-mail is available, after the break.
[Thanks, Snake!]
PlayStation®Home is a 3D, interactive, evolving service, exclusive to PLAYSTATION®3. It's free to download and easy to use. Home is the place to be if you want to deepen your gaming experience - the place where you can meet, chat, plan, and launch games together. Also, you can fully customise your avatar, decorate your own Home apartment, play mini-games, watch videos, take part in events, and much more - it's all part of the Home experience.
We've chosen to offer access to Home to a select number of PLAYSTATION®3 owners, and as a valued member of PLAYSTATION®Network, you have been selected to be amongst the first to try this exciting new service.
To take part, and play an important role in helping us evolve and grow the service over the coming months, please redeem your unique promotional code below using your PLAYSTATION®3 and join us in Home.
How to redeem your Promotional code and access Home
To redeem the code connect to PLAYSTATION®Network, select [Account Management], then select [Transaction Management], click on [Redeem PLAYSTATION Network Card or Promotion Code] and enter your unique code:
Home will download to [Games]. Install the software and the Home icon will appear in [Games]. Click this icon to enter Home!
Note: Promotional codes can only be used once and only the PSN Online ID we sent this email to will be able to connect to Home.
Please remember that Home is currently in a restricted testing phase, which means that we'll be constantly adding new features and content, and testing the service, over the coming months. As part of your participation, we'll also occasionally ask you about your experiences, and gather feedback, so we can continually improve the service.
Also please understand that this is a closed and confidential beta and your participation is subject to our Terms of Use which will be presented to you the first time you connect to Home. Please keep all discussion of your experiences within Home confidential and limit them to our private Home Beta Forum.
If you are an existing user of our forums you will find the forum in the Private section within the next few days. Please note this process is subject to network availability so delays may be experienced. If you have not logged into our forums before you will need to do so using your PSN account and then visit one public forum. This will establish your PSN account on the forums. Please allow up to 72 hours from this point for us to give your account permission to visit the private forum. We will not write to you again; just visit the forums a few days later.
Welcome to PlayStation®Home.
Dan Hill
Home Service Manager Sony Computer Entertainment Europe