July NPD Figures Show PS3 Still Leading 360

- DS: 608K

- Wii: 555K

- PS3: 224.9K

- PSP: 221.7K

- Xbox 360: 204.8K

- PS2: 155.5K

Software sales and Jack Tretton's statement, after the break.
Jack Tretton, president and CEO of SCEA had this to say: "Our year-to-date sales growth of 99% for the PS3 reaffirms that consumers are indeed embracing PS3 as their entertainment hub-of-choice with its feature-rich offerings like Blu-ray and our recently announced video delivery service. With an unmatched software line-up that includes LittleBigPlanet, SOCOM: Confrontation, Resistance 2 and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, and the anticipated launch of our new 80GB PS3 model, we're confident in a strong second half of the year and look forward to quickly addressing any inventory shortages due to the transition."
July Software
1. NCAA Football 09 - Xbox 360 – 397.6K
2. Wii Fit - Wii – 369.6K
3. Guitar Hero: On Tour - DS – 309.7K
4. Wii Play w/ remote - Wii – 284K
5. NCAA Football 09 - PS3 – 242.5K
6. Soulcalibur IV - Xbox 360 – 218.9K
7. Mario Kart w/ wheel - Wii – 174.5K
8. Rock Band Special Ed. Bundle - Wii – 165.8K
9. Soulcalibur IV - PS3 – 155.8K
10. Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution - Xbox 360 – 147.6K
Update: Changed the headline -- We wanted "dominance" to portray the PS3's winning streak -- the system has won almost every month this year so far.