Playstation Store Update For September 18th

Price Promotion
Call of Duty 4 Map Pack 1-week price promotion @ $4.99 (from 9/18/ - 9/25)
Note from Infinity Ward: We’re kicking off a full week of promotions for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare this week, starting on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 2pm (PT). We’ll kick it off by dropping the price of the #1 Add-on DLC on PSN, the Variety Map Pack, to the price of $4.99 all week long. Four new maps – Creek, Broadcast, Killhouse, and Chinatown will be great new locations to rank up when we switch on the Double XP this weekend. Some of the IW crew will be jumping on Friday between Noon – 4pm (PT) to rank up and take on any open challenges from the community. Be sure to add our PSN IDs and drop us an invite if you see us online.
Add-on Game Content
Rock Band
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit
- “The Conjuring” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “Wake Up Dead” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “Bad Omen” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “Devil’s Island” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “Good Mourning/Black Friday” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “I Ain’t Superstitious” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- “My Last Words” - Megadeth ($1.99)
- Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying? Album ($10.99) - this album includes “Wake Up Dead, “The Conjuring,” “Devil’s Island,” “Good Mourning/Black Friday”, “Bad Omen,” “I Ain’t Superstitious,” and “My Last Words” - Megadeth.
- “Hands Down” - Dashboard Confessional ($0.99)
- “One of THOSE Nights”— The Cab ($0.99)
- “She’s a Handsome Woman”— Panic at the Disco ($0.99)
- “Natural Disaster”— Plain White T’s ($0.99)
- Rock Band Live 2008 Tour Pack 1 ($3.99) - includes “Natural Disaster” - Plain White T’s, “She’s a Handsome Woman”- Panic at the Disco, “One of THOSE Nights” - The Cab, and “Hands Down” - Dashboard Confessional.
File sizes: 22.4 MB - 52.1 MB (singles), 101 MB - 253 MB (track packs)
Game Demos (free)
Fracture Demo
Defend the world against a genetically modified enemy force and unleash the power of terrain-deforming weapons and technology. Download the Fracture demo now!!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 876 MB
Mercenaries 2 Demo
It’s Your Chance to Destroy Anything and Everything – Mercs Style! Check out the new Mercenaries 2 Demo!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 1.10 GB
Game Videos (free)
NBA 09 The Inside: Life (x4)
NBA 09 The Inside and the makers of MLB 08 The Show bring you The Life. Could you step into the shoes of an NBA player in The Life? See if you’ve got what it takes to play three different story-lines in your bid to go from the streets, straight to the NBA. Pre-order today through GameStop and get an officially licensed NBA cap. Specially marked boxes can also get you one year FREE subscription to Vibe Magazine. Nothing Gets You Closer.
File sizes: 46 MB - 72 MB (HD), 76 MB - 117 MB (1080)
Valkyria Chronicles GC Trailer
Leipzig Game Convention reveal of the Valkyria Chronicles exciting real-time action gameplay in various new environments.
File size: 43 MB (HD)
EA Sports Hockey League Video
Jump into the EA SPORTS Hockey League and become part of the first console sports MMO. Take your created player online and join a team with friends, or scout for players. Featuring 6 vs. 6 online team play, the ability to level up your player, tournament brackets, and awards at the end of every season - you can become the first great name in videogame hockey.
File size: 89 MB (HD)
AST Dew Tour - Portland FMX Jam Session
A compilation of the best moments from the FMX Jam Session at the third stop of the AST Dew Tour in Portland, Oregon. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 91 MB (HD), 146 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - Portland Skate Thrills
A compilation of the best moments in Skateboard Park and Skateboard Vert from the third stop of the AST Dew Tour in Portland, Oregon. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 94 MB (HD), 154 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - Portland BMX Highlights
BMX Park athlete Rob Darden has his best finish on the Dew Tour in Portland for the Wendy’s Invitational. Here he talks about his strategy and training as he’s prepared for this season on Tour. Check out this video exclusive to the PSN!
File size: 128 MB (HD), 212 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - Rob Darden Profile
Get an inside look with skate park athlete Paul Rodriguez as he talks about his success so far in 2008. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 118 MB (HD), 196 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - P Rod Profile
Get an inside look with skate park athlete Paul Rodriguez as he talks about his success so far in 2008. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 91 MB (HD), 155 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - Skate Park Stars
Both Chaz Ortiz and Paul Rodriguez have had quite a year on the Dew Tour, hear from them as they talk about the Tour and the role model P Rod is for Chaz. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 116 MB (HD), 191 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - Behind the Scenes with Andy M.
Skate Vert athlete Andy Macdonald takes you behind the scenes in Portland for the Dew Tour. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 92 MB (HD), 154 MB (1080)
AST Dew Tour - PlayStation Pro Moments Portland
Download and watch part two of the behind the scenes series looking at the making of Legendary. In this episode, we hang out with the dev team as they talk about Legendary’s other creatures; the titan-class Golem and Kraken to the smaller - but still lethal - Firedrake, Nari and Echidna Tentacle.
File size: 49 MB (HD), 87 MB (1080)
Play the Pros: Baltimore
Danny Mayer, skate vert athlete, and Mathieu Therres, skate park pro, compete on the PlayStation® Experience truck against their fans in Gran Turismo™ 5 Prologue. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
File size: 72 MB (HD), 120 MB (1080)
Here is this week’s content release for the PLAYSTATION Store for PC. To download these games to your PSP, navigate to There, you’ll find descriptions of the content and directions on how to get started. For more on the PLAYSTATION Store for PC, please click here.
PSP Game Download
* Cube ($9.99)
(also downloadable via PS3)
* PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient ($9.99)
(also downloadable via PS3)
Game Demos (Free)
* NBA 09 PSP Demo
(also downloadable via PS3)