Kris Nguyen
That’s me, Kris Nguyen, GoBB’s resident panda Editor-In-Chief as of about 6 months ago when I was self appointed the title. It’s fantastic how things work around the blogosphere, isn’t it? One day you’re a lowly forum trawler, the next you’re one of the top dogs of a gaming blog.
Now, I could tell you that I was an art school drop out and found a career in journalism for the newspaper after being fired from a big name airline and finally settling down here at GoBB as an Editor - I could, but of course that wouldn’t be entirely truthful now would it?
Pictured: Not me, but it could be
I started out as an everyday normal little panda, liked getting muddy, raced dirt bikes, had divorced parents, and a recurring obsession for video games and all things that could be described as “nerdy” or “geeky”. I grew up playing one of those ancient NES systems people tell you about. For Christmas of ‘95, my parents, not Santa Claus, presented me with one of those awesome new PlayStation systems Sony created with their new CD technology. 32-bit gaming got its start there for me and soon, I was tired of blowing dust out of cartridges and they became obsolete.
Fast forward a few years, and you have a handsome fuzzy critter that still hasn’t stopped playing and talking about games. Naturally, I’ve grown to allow video games to be a dominant part of my life.
GoBB is my major hobby right now even though it’s far from perfect. I’m very thrilled to be a part of this site as it hatches and grows its fledgling wings. In time, I’m hoping we’ll have a great community and be able to grow this site into what we all dream of it becoming. We want it to be an reputable and enjoyable experience for the staff and readers alike. In doing so, we have to persistently keep ourselves updated on every new thing there is to know about blogging. We’re just regular people trying to make something great. That’s probably one of the biggest reasons we’re in this. What rules are easier to understand than, play games and have fun?
I didn’t know a single thing about blogging until Jacob Rollin invited me in and we both just took the plunge, face first into the medium. I’m not a great programmer, blog designer, speaker, manager, entertainer, or business jerk, yet. I’m always working to get there though. If you find it comforting to know that some random dude made this site, then you should be at ease. If not, that may be unsettling. Either way, that’s who I am. Not extremely smart, a bit shy around people, but hardworking. I’m not rich, our editors are not paid underpaid, but I’m still here doing exactly what I want to do. That’s livin’ the dream, since 2008.
That’s my story in a nutshell. Thanks for visiting GoBB and if there’s anything else I can do to to make it better, let me know. You can always reach me at or any of my other emails you come across, I check them all. You can also keep in touch through any of our various twitter/Live/MySpace/etc. Thanks for reading all my crap, see you around.