Since the introduction of movie & TV shows on the PLAYSTATION Store, we’ve added hundreds of new pieces of video content for purchase and rental. As new items are not tied to the weekly PLAYSTATION Store updates, we’ve chosen this time slot to let you know what’s new so you can make a more informed choice for weekend entertainment.
This week we’ve added new video content from the following television series:
- Everest: Beyond the Limit
- Family Guy
- Gene Simmons: Family Jewels
- How I Met Your Mother
- It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
- LA Ink
- Land Of The Giants
- Miami Ink
- My Name is Earl
- Mythbusters
- Prison Break
- The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
- Trinity Blood
- Weaponology
- Xam’d: Lost Memories (There’s a brand new episode every Tuesday!)
As well as the following feature films:
- Fool’s Gold
- King Arthur
- Reign of Fire
- Stay Alive
- The Eye
- The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep
- Unforgiven
And since many of you seemed to enjoy reading what everyone else is watching, here are our top 20 movie and TV downloads for the week: