Kojima Discuses Future Metal Gears and Cutscene Regret
Of course, this isn't the first time Kojima has made such a statement; he turned around on his intent to leave the series behind after making similar comments about Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. "I always intend to stay true to these statements," he said in the interview. "It's like when Hayao Miyazaki says he is not going to do more, and then always ends up doing it. I have other ideas than Metal Gear, and I want to go on to make other new games, but for political, business, or technology reasons, there is always a time when I have to return." Although Kojima says he still intends to pass on the series to a younger successor, he does admit that "when we look ten years into the future, maybe yes, I may well end up spending more time [on the series]."
He also addressed the lengthy cutscenes that are a trademark of the series (and often one of its most-cited weakness from detractors). In MGS4 particularly, these were a point of contention among some fans (and reviewers) for removing the player from the experience. Kojima feels that the directorial control from cutscenes allows more emotion, but that it isn't a perfect solution. "Halo, BioShock -- I see their approach, and I think they are brilliant in some ways, but I still feel they lack a kind of deeper storyline or the expression of the feelings of the characters," he explained. "In MGS4, yes, I put everything in the cut sequences, which I kind of regret to some extent, because maybe there is a new approach which I should think about. I'm always thinking about it -- making it interactive but at the same time telling the story part and the drama even more emotionally."
Kojima is certainly one of the biggest developers in the industry, and his moves are influential. If the man most legendary for wordy cutscenes is thinking about taking a new approach -- and especially if he can find a new way to tell his complex storylines successfully -- it wouldn't be surprising for many more developers to follow in his footsteps.Read PS3Fanboys Post on This.