E3 2008 Awards

This year at E3 we say several great games coming to the PS3. Lots of PS3 games won awards like Mirrors Edge won Best Action Game and The Agency took second for Best MMO. Little Big Planet also took some awards according to PS3Fanboy, and after seeing the Comic Con demo for LBP, it really looks like it deserves some awards. Resistance 2 won Best Shooter, InFamous won Best Trailer, and Best New Game to MAG.
On 1up.com, Little Big Planet took Best of Show and Best E3 PS3 Game. The runners up for Best PS3 games are Killzone 2, Resistance 2, InFamous, and Valkyria Chronicles.
G4 gave out awards as well. Like InFamous won Best PS3 Game and Little Big Planet won Best Game of E3.
Don't let others decide your favorites. Go out and do your research and find the game for you.