Blu-ray Releases For The Week of October 19th

- The Breed
- Casino Royale (Collector's Edition, 2 discs)
- Diary of the Dead
- Die Another Day (James Bond)
- Dr. No (James Bond)
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
- The F Word
- For Your Eyes Only (James Bond)
- From Russia with Love (James Bond)
- Halloween (2007)
- The Incredible Hulk
- James Bond Blu-ray Collection Three-Pack, Vol. 1 (Dr. No / Die Another Day / Live and Let Die)
- James Bond Blu-ray Collection Three-Pack, Vol.2 (For Your Eyes Only / From Russia with Love / Thunderball)
- James Bond Blu-ray Collection Six-Pack (Dr. No / Die Another Day / Live and Let Die / For Your Eyes Only / From Russia with Love / Thunderball)
- Live and Let Die (James Bond)
- The Strangers
- Sweeney Todd
- Thunderball (James Bond)
- The Woods Have Eyes