US Gamers, Create Quizzes On MyBUZZ! and Win

While our friends across the Atlantic have had Buzz! on their PS3s for quite some time, we'll be getting our hands on the popular quiz title later this month. In order to get ready for the launch, the MyBUZZ! website has launched for the US. This service lets you create, share and play quizzes, for use on the website and in the game. It's incredibly simple to get started: just log in with your PSN ID, and you're ready to begin!

There are already a handful of quizzes to play with. Make sure you create your own, as SCEA will be offering prizes for the most prolific and successful quiz designers. Check the for more info on that. (Remember: creating quizzes is vital for one of Buzz!'s secret Trophies.)

Want to check out a quiz we already created? Check out this Joystiq Network quiz and see how much you know about our community.
