As we reported last month, Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) refused classification for the highly-anticipated shooter
Fallout 3, effectively making the game illegal to sell in the island country. Apparently, this was due to the nature of the drugs used in the game, which allowed a player to enhance themselves at the cost of a corresponding negative effect. Bethesda then resubmitted the game with edits, and now the OFLC has classified the game MA 15+, the highest rating allowed on any video game in Australia.
So what was taken out? The OFLC stated "the reward and incentive for in-game drug use had been significantly toned down." Does this statement imply gameplay changes? It is bad enough when this type of unwarranted censorship occurs, but if there are indeed changes to the gameplay elements, maybe it is best for those of you Down Under to import the game from elsewhere.