Poll Results – What is your favorite game genre?


Last week, GoBB had the pleasure of introducing a few minor site updates, one of which are the new polls. Every week on Monday, we’ll add a new poll for you all to participate in. With these, everyone will be able to see how they compare to the rest of the community’s opinions on random topics. They’ll range from last week’s ‘what is your favorite..?’, to anything that comes up in the news.


The results of the first poll, “what is your favorite game genre?” were as could be expected from gamers this day and age. 37 percent voted for RPG’s, 12 percent action games, while First-person shooters took the lead with 50 percent of the votes. Sports and adventure games trailed behind with no votes. Although I wouldn’t mind playing sports games myself, there’s just seams to be something wrong when you’re playing a game of something you can actually do if you just went outside once in a while. I guess there’s a reason they received no votes.


Check back later for a new poll.