Welcome to GOBB’s Trophy Vault. Here you will find a list of games the have trophies and you will be able to click on the links provided to see the trophy list or trophy guide. We warn you now that some list may contain spoilers, so we recommend that if you haven’t beat the game yet, don’t look at the list for it.

Very much thanks to PS3Fanboy and PS3 Trophies... Without you guys, we wouldn't have this.
Last Update: January 29th
plusnew plusnew plusnew
Alone In The Dark Inferno plusnew
Astro Tripper plusnew
Battlefield: Bad Company plusnew
Bioshock plusnew
Blitz: The League 2 plusnew
Blast Factor plusnew
Burnout Paradise plusnew
Burn Zombie Burn! plusnew
Buzz! Quiz TV plusnew
Call of Duty World at War plusnew
Crash Commando plusnew
NEW: Cuboid plusnew
Dead Space plusnew
echochrome plusnew
Fallout 3 plusnew
Far Cry 2 plusnew
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin plusnew
Ferrari Challenge plusnew
Geon Emotions plusnew
Grand Theft Auto IV plusnew
GTI Club plusnew
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince plusnew
High Velocity Bowling plusnew
Killzone 2 plusnew
Linger In Shadows plusnew
LittleBigPlanet plusnew
Lumines Supernova plusnew
Magic Ball plusnew
Mainichi Issyo plusnew
Mercenaries 2 plusnew
Midnight Club: Los Angeles plusnew
Mirror's Edge plusnew
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe plusnew
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift plusnew
NBA 09: The Inside plusnew
PAIN plusnew
Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1 plusnew
Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2 plusnew
PixelJunk Eden plusnew
PixelJunk Monsters plusnew
Prince of Persia plusnew
Quantum of Solace plusnew
NEW: Resident Evil 5 plusnew
Resistance 2 plusnew
Rock Band 2 plusnew
Shaun White Snowboarding plusnew
NEW: Skate 2 plusnew
NEW: SOCOM: Confrontation plusnew
Soldner-X Himmelssturmer plusnew
Sonic Unleashed plusnew
Street Fighter IV plusnew
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars plusnew
The Eye of Judgement plusnew
Tom Clancy's EndWar plusnew
Warhawk plusnew
NEW: Watchmen plusnew
WipEout HD plusnew
NEW: X-Blades plusnew

Problems or Suggestions? If you have found problems within the list or have a suggestion on how we could improve this page, please tell us by contacting us on our contact page.

Have a trophy guide? If you have a trophy guide you would like to submit to us and we like it, then it will be posted on the blog and it will be added to the “Guide” category of its game on this page. To submit your trophy guide, simply go to our Contact page and send it to us. (No rewards as of yet. You will be thanked for your submission in the post.)