Trophy List: PAIN

PAIN fans have been waiting a while for this and your going to have to wait even longer. The expansion was delayed to later this month instead of tomorrow. The reason for delaying the game is because of the trophy requirements were to challenging so they have revised them to make them easier. Click "Read More" to see the list.

Gold Trophies
trophy King of PAIN
Get all Trophies in Downtown plus Trill and Grenade-A-Maid
trophy Affliction Addiction
Get 100,000,000 points in Downtown
trophy Gettin' Hoff
Use Tuxedo Hoff to get 69 million in any PAINdemonium Mode

Silver Trophies
trophy Rodeo Clown
Use Ed to explode 500 barrels in Clown Toss
trophy Harder Dick's Balls
Get all of Dick's Balls in the Block Party Dumpster without resetting the scene
trophy Trill
Get PAINful Bullseye Trophy with Scurv Dogg or Hung Lo
trophy 2 Mill Club
Get "PAIN in the Park" and "D-Town Destruction"
trophy Ninja pwn
Hit the Target Stuffed Ninja in every Abusement Park mode
trophy Buzzmonkey
Score 60 Monkeys in Spank the Monkey Painful with Buzz

Silver Trophies
trophy Dude Abides
Use "The Dude" to score 30 Strikes in Bowling
trophy D-Town Destruction
Get 2,000,000 score in PAINdemonium and Aftermath
trophy PAIN in the Park
Get 2,000,000 score in Abusement Park and After Hours
trophy Combo Mambo
Get 15x Combo in PAINdemonium, Aftermath, Block Party and Demolition
trophy Horsin' a Clown
Take the Clown for a ride on the Roller Coaster
trophy Glutton
Make 30 "Eat It!" shots in "Call Da Shot"
trophy Constipated
100th Strike
trophy PAIN and Mane
Play 100 games of Trauma or Horse
trophy Attention Spam
Get every type of PAIN (Groin, Head, Arm, Hand, Leg, Foot and Body) combo in PAINdemonium, Aftermath, Block Party and Demolition
trophy Grenade-A-Maid
Get Exploded 200 times in Downtown Fun With Explosives (single or multiplayer) playing any female character
trophy Helmet PI
Give the Gladiator a ride in the Sports Car
trophy Camera Boom
Hit 50 Cameras with Explosions
trophy Glass Lass
Break 500 panes of glass with any female launchable in Mime Toss
trophy Blockbuster
Use a tank to blow up the Castle Tower