First LittleBigPlanet Billboard On eBay

Well, Sony told us eBay it. And it looks like jonnoj04 is the first one to answer the calling -- the seller has put up number 99/1000 of the limited edition LittleBigPlanet signs up for sale on the online auction site. He/she didn't even have to resort to stealing to obtain it -- this individual was told by the landscapers of the area where it was planted the sign would be removed soon and allowed him/her to take it.

The auction begin yesterday at $0.99 but it is already up to $21.50 with the auction ending this Friday. The shipping costs range from a little under $10 to a little under $15. Will you be spending your cold-hard cash bidding on this? Or will you be keeping your own eye out for one of these limited edition babies? Decide after you take a look at the auction right here.
