Two New European 80GB PS3 Bundles

Courtesy of Gamekyo, we get a glimpse of two upcoming bundles that include the new 80GB PS3. We'll start off with the less exciting Movie Pack, which includes an 80GB PS3, one Dual Shock 3 controller, and the French comedy Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis on Blu-ray. This Movie Pack will launch October 29th for 399€. The second one, a Gran Turismo 5 Prologue bundle, is definitely more exciting. Details and a picture of the bundle after the jump. Do these new bundles appeal to you, the European consumer?

The bundle features the following: an 80GB PS3, two Dual Shock 3 controllers, and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. You've read correctly: two Dual Shock 3 controllers! All of this can be yours on September 10th for 449€.