PAX Playstation.Blog Meet Up Details

That’s where we come in, dear PlayStation.Blog reader. From 8:30-10:30am on Saturday, August 30th, we’ll be camped out at the nearby Top Pot Doughnuts (5th Ave location). We’ve got the 2nd floor of this Seattle standard locked down for PlayStation fans, and the coffee and donuts will be flowing freely. That’s meant both figuratively and literally - we’re picking up the tab. As those who attended our last meet-up can attest, there’ll be more than just free food; we’ll be handing out swag and running another competition - so make sure to charge up your PSP.
We’d love to meet you, and we’ll still get you out the door and on your way for a full day of PAXness (the doors open at 10am). If you’d like to attend, please RSVP on our Facebook event page or, if you don’t have Facebook (for shame!), please feel free to drop us a line here.
And when you get to the Convention Center, make sure to drop by our booth, where you’ll be able to go hands-on with LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, SOCOM Confrontation, MotorStorm Pacific Rift, Resistance Retribution, SingStar, Buzz Quiz TV and more. Stay tuned, we’ll share our full schedule of events tomorrow on the Blog." - Playstation.Blog