Bioshock PS3 DLC Exclusive At Launch

Sure, PlayStation 3 owners are getting Bioshock a year late, but there are benefits to waiting. As you all know by now, the PS3 version will include all the downloadable content for the Xbox 360 and PCversions, plus a bunch of extra exclusive stuff to make the experience even more enjoyable. And if you want another little tidbit of info to lord over the 360 fans, here's one:

There may be 360-exclusive downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto IV, but PS3 owners will get similar treatment (at least at first) from 2K Games in regards to Bioshock. According to Videogamer, those special Challenge Rooms unveiled earlier will come only three days after the launch of the game on October 24 in the form of special DLC. It will also "supplement a new difficulty Survivor difficulty mode and Trophy support." The kicker? 2K's senior producer Melissa Miller says that for now, this stuff will remain exclusive to the PS3 version. Here's what she had to say at the Leipzig Games Convention last week:

"Right now we are supporting the PS3 launch. We are really excited to be bringing the BioShock experience to a whole new set of fans. We've been concentrating on ways to make this game special. The things that we've added, they're not changing the original experience that the 360 fans and the PC fans got, but are things that compliment nicely that experience."

And when asked if the DLC will come to the 360, Miller said, "the answer is no. Right now this is a PS3 exclusive." Okay, so Microsoft bought exclusivity on this awesome game, but it's clear now that 2K always meant for the game to come to the PS3, and now they want to reward owners for the long wait. Good enough for us; just get us that bad boy and we'll be happy.
