Warhawk 1.5 Patch is Out!

Warhawk has once again been patched up with more free goodies. Simply load up the game and you will be asked to download the 66MB 1.50 patch. At the moment we can only confirm this for Europe, but a US patch should also be made available today, if it's not already. In case you've forgotten what version 1.50 adds to the game (you big sillies), let us refresh your memory.

A new training mode, to get people used to the game, custom soundtracks and trophies are the main new features, but there's plenty more besides. Not bad for free, eh? So get downloading and don't forget to check out our trophy list. We'll update this post once we get confirmation that the patch is out in the US.

[UPDATE] The patch is also available in the US. Go get!
