Orinda Intellectual Properties Sues Sony For Blu-ray Patent Infringement

Orinda Intellectual Properties, a company whose main purpose appears to be suing other companies (see Google search for more), has claimed that Sony has infringed upon patent number 5,438,560, which describes the process of layering data on an optical disc. The patent, originally filed by Hyundai in 1993, sounds similar to Blu-ray's multi-layering process.

Orinda is demanding a trial, and wants to halt the manufacturing, sales and distribution of all Blu-ray devices, including the PS3. Orinda is also asking for "a reasonable royalty." "Orinda has been and will continue to be damaged as a result of Defendants' infringing conduct," the company said in the filing. "Defendants' infringing conduct will continue unless permanently enjoined by this court."

This isn't the first time Sony has been entangled in a legal battle. See some other (sometimes ridiculous) cases here.
