LittleBigPlanet Could Do Some Cool Things With Home

Home's projected release date is still "TBA 2008," but that hasn't stopped the steady trickle of theoretical details for the theoretical service. Next up? Media Molecule co-founder and LittleBigPlanet designer Alex Evans.

When asked whether he would be doing anything with Sony's "other big online fascination, Home" in an interview with Eurogamer, Evans replied, "The thing about Home is, they're a team that's just down the road from us. There is loads of scope for us to work with them, and I'm looking forward to getting the LittleBigPlanet space in there, working on it and making it cool."

So how can a game being touted as one of the most customizable ever spruce up a cyberspace apartment?

"The short answer, though, is that I can't announce anything right now," Evans said. "But I've already seen great LittleBigPlanet content in Home, which was at that conference and which was public, and I think it's a great sign that that was possible with a very small amount of time and a small amount of effort."

There you have it, PlayStation 3 owners. There will almost certainly be some really cool LittleBigPlanet Home content at some point in the future. So what kinds of features would you like to see make their way over?


1 comment:

  1. Hey Forgotn, that's certainly good news. I still have no idea what kind of Home content to expect in relation to LBP, but I'm sure there will be some good news.

    By the way, if you're reading this and still don't have a PS3, take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on where you can win a PS3 or Xbox 360 (your choice). Right now there are less than 250 entrants, so you've got to like your chances. All you need to do is design a 6 Hour Power t-shirt online, which is surprisingly easy to do. For contest details, go here:

    If any of you enter, send me an e-mail and I'll vote for your designs. I work with 6HP too, so feel free to ask any questions. Good luck to all those that enter. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your post, by the way, Forgotn.

    Franklin Keane
